[:en]Space Media Festival is an intense technique and production based  workshop led by leading architects and artists in the world.[:]

[:Tw]Space Media Festival 是一個整合數位化設計與構築實作的高密度國際工作營[:]






The summer studio will be taught by professional architects, artists, tutors and graduates from the Architectural Association (UK), UCL Bartlett (UK), Southern California Institute of Architecture(USA), DXARTS / University of Washiton, Cambridge University (UK) and University of Westminster (UK) along with faculty from the host institute Taiwan National University of Science  (Taiwan)Shih Chein University  (Taiwan). Over the first four days intensive technical sessions will be given to equip the participants in associative design concepts and methodologies. The rest of the workshop will operate as a unit based design studio , where participants will respond to the briefs set up by the individual tutor based studios. Each studio will investigate digital design and fabrication procedures in relation to the condition and context of Asian cities , Taipei in particular. The aim of the design studio will be to introduce computational design and multi-media communication through using generative, algorithmic, data simulation and parametric design based techniques. Design proposals to develop new systems of mass customized building systems will be investigated through both physical and computational methods. Participants will use multiple software platforms for modelling, simulation and fabrication, towards multiple, variable and recursive prototypes for a range of urban conditions, driven by scenarios of future incremental, adaptive growth and change. Participants will get the opportunity to explore advanced fabrication techniques and gain the knowledge of the workflow from design to production. Alongside studio-based design tutorials, field trips,  seminars, and a series of lectures, and public seminars will address contempo­rary topics related to the theme of the workshop. [:] [:Tw]

此課程為全程11天之核心,將分為四組studio的形式進行,每組Studio將會由不同建築師及藝術家帶領,透過不同的數位設計方法及軟體平台來進行探討未來空間及生活等議題,在此課程中除了將介紹如參數設計程序演算法模擬運算等技術外,學生將會學習利用傳統及先進技術兩者兼顧的方式來探索發展新的構築以達到設計系統與製造之整合應用;試圖去探索在資訊科技發展及機械製造和材料運用的連結下,如何透過結合大數據分析與傳統感性設計過程,發展新的空間美學及生活型態,並透過對新媒材的探索,如影像、聲音及燈光等具動態不穩定之媒材與資訊演算控制之結合、數位攝影技術及影像演算生成,虛實物件互動,身體表演等探索藝術創作的多種可能及挑戰其形式與議題討論之呈現,學員將會學習建立跨平台之工作流程,及整合不同數位軟體優點來進行三維模型建構、模擬及製造之準備,此課程成果將會以1:1 空間呈現。

此工作營的指導老師將為英國AA倫敦大學Bartlett、美國華盛頓大學南加州建築學院 現任老師、倫敦西敏市劍橋大學之優秀在校及畢業生來帶領,以及多位台灣各校老師共同指導。[:]






Over the 11 days intensive studio based program, participants will learn computation design  & digital media processes including algorithmic methods for time based processes, generative and parametric modelling systems and physics based simulation for working with the design prototypes that rethink architecture and built environment. Software platforms such as Grasshopper,  Processing ( Soft Modelling / Igeo). Max/MSP……etc  will be introduced to the participants depending on the studio choosed. Additive and subtractive machine design and build principle will be introduced parallelly as optional course for the full workshop registrators.[:]


工作營課程分別有GrasshopperProcessing四 天的數位軟體密集訓練,以及四天多媒體設計與藝術工作營。 此系列工作營除了作為提供參與全程課程學員培養設計課程所需之關鍵技術外,也單獨開放讓對此技術有興趣或希望提升能力的學生及專業者參與作密集的培訓,數 位軟體課程指導老師皆為在AA擔任此課程的專業指導老師,學生將會在一系列的數位工作營中學習到三維複雜幾合建模、參數設計、程式撰寫之邏輯及數位製造準 備流程。多媒體設計與藝術工作營教學則將由美國及荷蘭等科技媒體藝術家進行燈光、聲音、影像等互動多媒體教學,目的在於讓學生認識新的數位媒材並將科技與 材料透過數位設計方法應用及創新,體驗資訊溝通與多媒體互動等技術結合之操作。

課程技術涵蓋:  數位設計,如參數化設計、演算法幾何建構、客製化模型建構與優化 / 數位製造, 如: CNC數位控制、雷射切割、3D列印、3D掃描、機械手臂運用(待確認中)、自動化資訊控制製造系統等 / 創新材料及結構工程思維、聲音及燈光互動裝置機構建設、數位介面程序撰寫、數位空間定位、演算式影像編輯、Arduino等PCB版運作及電子材料、攝影測量學(Photogrametric)及2、3維互動影像生成、影像剪輯及肢體表現等[:]







Lectures will be given by tutors and international speakers  to help participants building the knowledge framework for developing  design approaches during the workshop.[:] [:Tw]

除了參與建築師與藝術家課程中演講外,我們將會於8/27 邀請參與規畫課程團隊針對這次前置創作發展研究作深入的發表,ˊ這次工作營的課程為一建築師與一藝術家為期三個月共同合作的全新創作,合作研究試圖去探索全新跨建築、藝術及科技的創作方法論與其應用發展。[:]






Practicing architects , designers, artists and academicians will be sharing their experience during the course of the studio. [:] [:Tw]






[:en]The Lectures and Workshops will be in English and Chinese support will be provided if necessary.[:] [:Tw]研討會及工作營的部分將會以英文為主,中文為輔的方式進行教學。[:]





[:en]CNC / Laser cutter / 3D printer / Vacuum form machine / Wood / Metal / Plastic workshop[:]

[:Tw]工作營將會使用如CNC/ 雷射切割機 / 3D印表機 / 機械手臂(待確認中) / 真空成型機 / 木工、 塑膠加工及鐵工廠等[:]

