Hyper Perception Media Art



image credit: Shih Wei-Chieh


Yao Chun Han


Current Light




Scattered Coordinates


Shih Wei Chieh


The Higher Observation


Tivon Rice


Inner Babylon


Per Skovgaard


A Macrocosmic Zero


Satoru Sugihara


Random Accurate

活動內容 Exhibition

Exhibition Dates: 2017/12/15-2018/01/15

Exhibition Preview: 2017/12/12

Press Conference: 2017/12/13

Exhibition Location: Chongqing Jiangnan District, Chongqing HSBC Road no.1, 2nd Floor, ADC Centre

Organizer : JingShan E-Cool ADC centre

Co-organiser: P SQUARE STUDIO

Exhibition Curator: Ping-Hsiang Chen

Adviser: DEZACT / MEP consultant

展览介绍 Introduction:

 “超感知”新媒体艺术展是一个由英国”P平方工作室”与”设计行动”合作策划出在金山意库设计中心的新媒体国际 艺术展。此展览分别邀请了五位来自美国,丹麦,日本及台湾的新锐艺术家参展。此展览通过沉浸式激光、机械及风力动力装置、复合影像、交互灯光及肢体与数字影像交互等艺术形式带给观者在新科技时代中对于事物、空间在“官感与认知”上能有不一样的全新体验。

“超感知”新媒体艺术展透过科技艺术多元的呈现方式为观众带来对科技的提问、重新解读和理解,于此同时提出科技对我们生活影响的正反辩论,希望使大众观者正视科技在我们今日生活所扮演的角色。 “超感知”亦暗示着科技对我们当今认知系统的支配,希望能藉由对人类知觉与多维科技的复杂交互提出质问。资讯科技的发展使人类能从更多或宏观角度去理解现实,却同时拥有着重塑过去,以及改变、扭曲现实的能力;过去,人类的感知大部分受到个体所处的社会、政治和文化等因素影响,或者是依据观察者与被观察物的主客观角度影响所产生变化,但由于媒体介质和信息交流方式所具有的可操控及转变性,如今人类在信息和媒体的感知上所受的影响已远远超过那些传统的因素。如何顺应这种资讯时代下新的变化?该怎样面对这种资讯带来的认知冲突?是此次展览对于知觉感官研究的焦点。

“超感知”新媒体艺术展除了展示不同类型的精彩新媒体艺术作品外,让民众与艺术创作对话并让民众参与成为艺术作品的一部分更是值得观展时被思考的问题- 新科技所带来的艺术形式转变¬,艺术家的创作不再以”物件”进行创作而是架构”系统”;艺术家创作停止的一刻不再是作品的完成而是创作的开始, 欢迎大家一起参与为期一个月( 12/15-1/15)由金山意库所主办的“超感知”新媒体国际艺术展。

The “Hyper Perception New Media Art Exhibition” is a cooperative effort between “P SQUARE STUDIO” and “DEZACT”, and hosted by the Jinshan E-cool Art Design Center. We invited five new media artists from the US, Denmark, Japan, and Taiwan to join us. Through art forms including immersive lasers, kinetic and wind powered installation, computer graphics, interactive lighting display and screen based interaction, visitors are brought to different brand-new “sensual and conscious” experiences through objects and space.   

Via diversity of technology art, the “Hyper Perception New Media Art Exhibition” presents its audiences with questions, reinterpretations, and understandings about technology, whilst at the same time proposing a discussion about the positive and negative impacts of technology on our lives. The term “Hyper Perception” encapsulates the current dominance of technology in our consciousness; it raises more complicated questions about human perception and multi-dimensional technology. The development of information technology enables people to realize reality from more diversified and broader perspectives, whilst simultaneously giving us the ability to reshape, change, and distort this reality. In the past, human perceptions were impacted mostly by factors such as society and politics, and the culture that individuals lived in or depended on, changed according to the subjective and objective angles of the observers and those being observed. However, due to the modern ability to control and change media and information transmission, the impact of technology on human perceptions today are more complicated and transcend those in the past. How should we respond to these new changes in the information era? How shall we face conflicts of perception created by technology? These questions are the sensual study focus of this exhibition. 

The “Hyper Perception New Media Art Exhibition” exhibits various forms of new media artwork, to invite the public to engage in essential dialogues about art and the notion that artists no longer focus on creating “objects” but “frameworks/systems”. It is at the moment when artists stop working on their works, that their creation just begins. We welcome your visit to the one-month long “Hyper Perception New Media Art Exhibition”, open between 12/15-1/15 and organized by Jinshan E-cool. 

>>策展论述 Curatorial Statement

>>參展藝術家 Artists

>>活動報導1  Event News1 2

>>活動手冊 brochure