15′ Fabrica Animato

model credit: Soomeen Hahm and Igor Pantic
workshop brochure

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Increasingly across the past two centuries of mass industrialisation and mass digitalisation, the engrained opposition between the real and the simulated seemed to have hijacked discourses on the relation between machines and human lives. The realm of the artificial, of things and actions depending on the machinic, was believed to have brought about the rise of the reproducible, the manipulatable and the virtual, and to be blamed for the loss of the real, the corporeal, and the natural. If one can bypass such diametric conclusion heightened at the end of the last century and to dismantle the myth that webcams and photoshop have ruined real images, the industrial have ruined the natural, and eventually robots and drones will replace humans, a new hybrid order can be probed. Experiments in the overlapping realm of the ‘anthropic’ and the ‘machinic’ – manufacturing and fabricating that are at the same time animating and performing, or behavioural and psychological patterns that can be instigated through mechanic learning and prototyping – is radically redefining the ontology of the artificial. Rather than the objectified container of subjective lives, architecture is the new hybrid artifice that acquires an organic and anthropic significance in itself with its own subjectivity; it is now the extension of the anthropo-machinic: animated, sentient and intelligent.


In this radical spirit of animating architecture through the anthropo-mechinic, this summer’s EXTRAFABRICA2 2015 extends into experiments on animated and performative possibilities in design and construction processes thats spans from the design studio to urban conditions. A variety of analogue and digital tools, robotics and generative scripting, computational simulation and physical prototyping, and multi-disciplinary methodologies, will be introduced and combined to test duo- or multi-locational spatial experience, in-situ and in-sync interactive fabrication, designer-user and robotic behavioural feedback, multi-medial-physical-virtual interfaces, mobile and participatory design process. Novel systems of engaging the material affects as they negotiate with choreographed machinic processes will be explored as part of the conception, production and consumption of the built artifact . In this process the workshop we will trace and rethink portions of the archaeology of the machinic as it relates to the architectural discipline from ancient artifacts to the latest contemporary experiments ranging from Roxy Paine’s erosion machines, Heinrich Heidersberger’s rhythmogramm machine to the current explorations with additive manufacturing. Projects by visionary designers, scientists and artists, historically and currently engaged with the hybrid condition of machine-human, would be discussed and debated. The ambition is to redefine the process of space-making in actual conditions of the city of Taipei as an animated, sentient and intelligent process. And to open up the possibility of construing the artificial environment as an incremental and multilateral aggregation of anthropo-mchinic endeavours.


「非常製」Fabrica Animato將透過一系列設計製造活動 (computational tectonic) 與數位資訊程序(data processes) 以”人-機械複合本體論”為架構,去探索未來空間之反饋學習、可反應人本能行為和心理原型模擬之相對應的新設計模式。

兩個世紀大規模的工業及數位化拉鋸了真實與模擬世界的對立,人與機械一直以來因"設計者"與"被設計者""使用者"與"被使用者"之先天角色,而支配著人與機械之間的關係。人造生產過程與物品,開啟了可被大量複製,機械化及虛擬的可能性,但同時也被批評為非人類、背離真實、肉體的和自然的世界的。若資訊程序與智能化為一發展必然,是否能夠打破20世紀以來對於真實與模擬的二元定論,將網路攝影機、數位軟體所創造的影像視為新型態的真實影像,機械化變遷所建造的環境非再單一負面的被視為破壞自然的本源,而是一種新自然;人類和機械本體的重疊交織勢必將開啟另一種新的“人造本體論”使生產和製造同時形成動態和衍異的契機,機械反饋學習和原型模擬從單一回應預設行為和心理模式轉變為參與式互相影響;建築將不再是一個只能容納主觀而自然人體生活的非自然客觀載體,”空間” 可以是具有自身主觀意識之人-機複合體。

在這個激進的思維模式之下,EXTRA FABRICA第二年度的暑期課程將推進研究建築之生機動態和衍異之可能性,涉及設計和製造的並行過程,探索未來空間如何透過人機本體的重疊交織而啟動另一種空間設計之敘事實驗。活動過程透過多樣的概念,觀點,數位和媒體工具來剖析和設計,考量到多變的時間性,空間性和功能上的使用。設計的產生更進一步探討量化和非量化因素,數位參數模擬和人的情緒行為,公眾和私人領域分別和認同,歷史記憶和未來展望等等之間的複雜關係。12天密集的設計與構築課程會帶領學員透過建築設計之互動概念、實驗性技術、大量客製化、對於現狀的批判性和想像力,來思考並重新定義未來空間之設計與其價值。



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